Player Safety Guidelines
Updated liability waiver and consent form must be signed online by every participant BEFORE stepping on the field.
· If a player doesn’t feel well, he shouldn’t be at the game- STAY HOME.
· Any player may take additional measures for his own safety- masks, gloves, etc.
· Players MUST respect each other and the umps regarding social distancing. If asked to “back off”, do it.
· Home plate umpire to stand behind the plate as usual.
· Dugouts to be open to only the next 2 in the offensive lineup, and the pitcher, catcher and the coach, maintaining 6ft from each other.
· No sharing of equipment.
· No post game handshakes or high fives. Teams may choose an appropriate form of recognition.
· Players should keep a 6ft distance at all times, including batting cages and during pre-game warmups.
· No “infield meetings” on the mound.
· When holding a meeting on the mound between catcher, pitcher and/or manager, all participants need to stay 6 feet from each other. The meeting would be limited to a maximum of 3 people.
· Each team to provide their own baseballs while on defense, as this will minimize the number of players in contact with the baseball.
· Pitchers will NOT be allowed to go to their mouth between pitches. This will result in a ball being called and the ball must immediately be replaced by the pitching team.
· No seeds, no spitting, no going to the mouth by any player. Repeated offenses may result in a player ejection.
· Umpires will need to be advised of the rules at the plate conference.