Q What areas does the DCMSBL play their games?
A Games are played in the DC Metro area including Maryland and Virginia.
Q How do new players get placed on a team?
A Click the DRAFT/WAITING LIST under the REGISTRATION TAB. The draft/waiting list is how the League places new players on a team.
Q Does the League maintain the Draft/Waiting List?
A Yes! The League President manages and maintains the waiting list of new players.
Q Do Team Managers use the Draft/Waiting List?
A YES! Many team managers do request a player from the waiting list when they are looking to fill out their team roster.
Q Does the Team Manager determine who is on the team?
A Yes, the team manager does determine which players are on the team roster.
Q What happens when a Team Manager Requests a Player from the Draft/Waiting List?
A When the team manager requesting a player from the waiting list the League President will email the player contact information to the requesting team manager.
Q Great! What happens next for the New Player?
A The player will be notified via text, email and/or phone by the team manager within a couple of days after being notified by the League of the team manager's request.
Q Is a new player guaranteed to get placed on a team after being notified by the League?
A Short answer is: no way of knowing, however, once the team manager contacts the player, then the team manager will either invite the player out to their team practice and/or request the player go online and sign up for the team.
Q When is my League registration complete so I can play ball?
1) RE-REGISTER as a new player for your new team
2) Sign the player waiver form
3) Pay the player fee in full.
Q If a new player has more questions who is the contact?
A John Kutcher, League Commissioner via email: dcmsbl@dicorp.com or text: 410-688-0885